Integrative Oncology Treatments

Immune Support, IV-Nutrients, Side Effect Management, Clinical Nutrition, Cancer Prevention, Emotional Support, HBOT


Immune System Support

Immunotherapy is on the cutting edge of conventional cancer research and treatment. Naturopathic Oncology has been focused on this for decades. Immunotherapy looks to up-regulate and optimize the body’s immune response against the cancer. Immune system enhancement is part of every treatment plan Dr. Edwards provides for his patients and many natural agents have clinical research supporting their benefits.

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IV Nutrient Therapy

When patients are struggling with poor appetite, fatigue, nausea or some of the other myriad of side effects from conventional treatments, introducing nutrients through intravenous routes may offer benefits for the patients. Some IV therapies, such as Vitamin C, Magnesium, and B vitamins may help immune function, energy and nausea. Additionally, there may be some anticancer benefits from IV-C, but clinical research is still needed to better understand its actual effectiveness.


Side Effect Management

Are you suffering side effects from your cancer treatments? Too fearful to start treatment? Many of these can be alleviated without interfering with the effectiveness of the treatment. Naturopathic medicine is used to help alleviate many common side effects such as: Fatigue, Pain, Mouth Sores, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Skin rashes from chemotherapy or radiation, Peripheral Neuropathy (numbness and tingling) and Wound Healing after surgery.


Clinical nutrition

Food is Medicine is a concept that dates back to Hippocrates and is a foundational principal of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Edwards will guide you to a whole foods diet that is right for you and the cancer you are fighting. Many diets have been studied including the Mediterranean Diet, Ketogenic, Fasting/Fasting-mimicking, Anti-inflammatory Diet, Vegetarian, Vegan, and Paleo. Dr. Edwards can support you through these approaches.


Cancer Prevention

Many cancers are directly related to diet and lifestyle. If you are high-risk for developing cancer or trying to prevent recurrence of a previously treated cancer, Dr. Edwards can help. He will guide you to optimize your diet, lifestyle, and appropriate supplements to help reduce your risk factors.

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Compassionate Emotional Support

The stress of a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. Stress can manifest as anxiety, depression, insomnia and immune suppression to name a few. A variety of modalities can help with stress such as mind/body techniques, homeopathy, nutritional supplements and mindfulness practices. Dr. Edwards will support you with a compassionate supportive approach.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used for enhancing oxygen delivery to all your tissues. This has been shown to have wound healing benefits as well as benefits related to radiation tissue damage. There may be other anticancer benefits, but clinical research is still needed to confirm these. The sessions last for approximately 1 hour.

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Avoiding Drug/Herb Interactions

Can natural medicines be safely used in combination with conventional cancer treatments? Yes they can. Avoiding interactions between all of your medicines is very important and Dr. Edwards uses his expertise in nutrition, herbal medicine and pharmacology to educate you in what you can and can not take based on your oncologist’s treatment.